Sunday 5 August 2012


The 37th FAEA Annual Conference
Manila-Philippines, November 28-29, 2012
Venue: Philippine International Convention Center
CCP Complex, Roxas Blvd, Manila, Philippines

The Philippine Economic Society (PES) is pleased to host this year, the 37th Federation of ASEAN Economics Association annual conference with the overarching theme “Towards Inclusive ASEAN Economic Growth”. Southeast Asia has been the stage for rapid growth in the last three decades. It is important to ensure that the fast economic growth indeed benefits the greatest number and especially, the poor; and that income distribution does not worsen. Thus, the sub-themes for this year’s FAEA conference focus on policy areas that can contribute to an economic environment conducive to inclusive growth. The subthemes include:
1. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises – Micro, small and medium enterprises can be a potent force for inclusive growth, employment generation, and poverty reduction. Small and medium enterprises may already account for more than 96% of all enterprises, 50% to 85% of domestic employment, 19% to 31% of exports, and 30% to 53% of GDP in ASEAN. SMEs have historically had to confront with limited access to finance, technology and markets. In a globalized world, the challenge for policy is how to overcome these obstacles and allow SMEs to improve their productivity and competitiveness.
2. Financial and Capital Markets Development – There is evidence that access to financial markets tends to reduce poverty. More inclusive and stable financial markets help set the foundation for longer term economic growth. Some ASEAN countries have also recently inaugurated their equity markets. Of particular interest may be measures to improve access to capital markets for more firms, including SMEs, and for small savers to gain access to an expanded range of financial instruments including insurance.
3. Competition Policy – Competition policy can guard against a few dominant firms erecting entry barriers and preventing competition from developing. Small developing economies with smaller markets may be more prone to such market risks. By creating a more level playing field, competition policy can pave the way for more inclusive growth. At the same time, competition policy has to balance the interests of access by new entrants and that of efficiency. Several ASEAN members have enacted their competition policy laws while others are in various stages of coming up with their own competition policy laws and authorities.
4. Food Security and the Environment - The recent problem of extreme food price volatility in 2008 in the case of rice, requires stronger cooperation and improved coordination of policies in the ASEAN region. The ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry had called for building up regional food reserves, expanding food trade, improving the food information system and increasing food production in 2009 in the aftermath of the rice price crisis. Food trade in the region, particularly in rice, is very thin, despite the fact that deeper trade can make the region more resilient to unexpected food price fluctuations. The notable achievement of ASEAN was the regional emergency rice reserves it set up with China, Japan, and Korea in 2011. However, a lot needs to be done in generating, analyzing and disseminating accurate information about food markets to prevent unproductive speculative market behavior. Low food productivity, high post harvest losses, and inefficiencies in the food supply chains of the region, often due to distortions in pricing policies, continue to pose obstacles to improving food security. Meanwhile, increasing cognizance must be given to the environment as climate change impacts natural resources like water availability. Asia has also been visited by natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and tsunamis in recent years. Sustainability must also now be taken into account in the quest for food security.
5. Social Protection Mechanisms – Last but not the least, there remains the need to have in place safety nets to assist those sectors of the population that will require assistance in order to participate in the economic growth. In the meantime, they may also need help to ride out the lingering effects of the global financial crisis that has dampened economic growth in many countries and the impacts of natural and other idiosyncratic shocks. Looking forward, social protection can also play a more active role in economic growth with long term effects. Mechanisms such as health insurance can smooth food consumption and prevent the youth dropping out of school when households face catastrophic health expenses.
6. Others – Papers on other areas and topics may be considered subject to selection by the Organizing Committee and the availability of breakout rooms.

Deadline and Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts and Papers
Important Dates:
Submission of abstract: August 31, 2012
Decision on acceptance of papers: September 21, 2012
Submission of Final Papers: October 22, 2012

Guidelines for Abstracts and Papers:
1. The cover page of the paper should contain the title, authors’ names, affiliations, phone and fax numbers, and email addresses.
2. The abstract and full papers should be written using Microsoft Word Document with font Times New Roman, font size 12 and 1.5 spacing.
3. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively in the text.
4. Illustrations, figures and tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals, accompanied by titles and sources.
Please submit abstracts and papers by email to: Correspondences and inquiries may be directed to the PES Secretariat, Ms. Charm Escueta, at the above email address with postal address Philippine Economic Society Secretariat, c/o Philippine Social Science Council, Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1101. Tel Nos. (63)(2) 9292671 and (63)(2) 9244178 (fax) Information on hotel accommodations is being finalized and will be forthcoming together with conference registration information.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Undangan Rapat

Dimohon kepada Bpk/Ibu pengurus ISEI Cabang Semarang untuk hadir pada rapat yang akan diselenggarakan pada :

Hari/tgl : Rabu/2 Juni 2010
Jam : 15.30-selesai
Tempat: BI Semarang

Besar harapan kami Bpk/Ibu dpt hadir dlm acara dimaksud.
Terima kasih.

Saturday 15 May 2010

Budi Santoso Foundation-ISEI Gelar Seminar Kemandirian dan Daya Saing

Budi Santoso Foundation (BSF) bekerja sama dengan Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI) Cabang Semarang akan menggelar Seminar ’’Kemandirian dan Daya Saing Menghadapi Pasar Global’’ di aula Kantor Bank Indonesia (BI) Jalan Imam Bardjo SH No 4 Semarang, Rabu 31 Maret.

Ekonom Prof Dr Didik J Rachbini akan mengupas ’’Kemandirian dan Daya Saing Indonesia dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Global’’, dan dosen Unika Soegijapranata Dr Angelina Ika Rahutami berbicara tentang ’’Strategi UMKM Jawa Tengah dalam Menghadapi ACFTA dan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN 2015’’.

Selain itu, Ketua Asosiasi Pertekstilan Indonesia (API) Benny Soetrisno mengupas ’’Kemandirian dan Daya Saing Industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil dalam Menghadapi ACFTA dan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN 2015’’, serta pengusaha dan anggota Dewan Pakar BSF Haryanto Halim akan membahas ’’Kemandirian dan Daya Saing Jawa Tengah dalam Menghadapi ACFTA dan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN 2015’’.

Ide seminar muncul dari pendiri BSF Ir Budi Santoso terkait dengan kekhawatiran masyarakat terhadap penerapan perjanjian perdagangan bebas ASEAN-China (ASEAN-China Free Trade Area atau ACFTA).
’’Kawasan perdagangan bebas itu sudah tidak dapat kita hindari lagi, harus kita hadapi. Oleh sebab itu, yang perlu kita siapkan adalah semangat kemandirian dan daya saing yang kuat, seperti semangat swadesi di India dan berdikari yang dulu pernah digelorakan Bung Karno,’’ katanya, kemarin.


Seminar bertujuan memetakan persaingan produk-produk Indonesia pada umumnya dan Jawa Tengah pada kuhususnya dengan produk-produk China dan negara-negara lain anggota ASEAN, serta mencari dan menciptakan peluang-peluang untuk memenangi persaingan. Seminar lebih diarahkan ke ranah empirik dengan contoh-contoh konkret dan solusi-solusi yang membumi.

Diharapkan, seminar itu berbeda dari seminar-seminar lain yang cenderung berkutat pada pengertian-pengertian, pandangan-pandangan pesimistis, kelemahan-kelemahan, dan sebagainya, seolah-olah pasar bebas itu masih bisa dihindari.

’’Seminar dimaksudkan memberikan semangat kepada dunia usaha, pemerintah, dan masyarakat umum untuk mampu memanfaatkan pasar bebas bagi kemajuan Indonesia dan Jawa Tengah,’’ tambah Direktur Eksekutif BSF, Adi Ekopriyono.

Sebelum seminar, diselenggarakan pelantikan pengurus ISEI Cabang Semarang periode 2010-2013. Sebagai ketua Dr M Zaeni Aboe Amin, SE, MM; Wakil-wakil ketua: Prof Dr FX Sugiyanto, MS; Dr Bambang Suko Priyono, MM; Drs Agus Suryono, MM; Suryo Utomo, SE, Akt, MBT; Drs Ahmad Fauzi, MBA, dan Kukrit Suryo Wicaksono, MBA. Sekretaris Dr Syafrudin Budiningharto, SU. Pengurus dilengkapi pelindung, dewan penasihat, serta bidang-bidang dan focus group. (C19-27

sumber :

Sunday 2 May 2010

35th FAEA Annual Conference

35th FAEA Annual Conference will be held in Bali, Indonesia on December 2010
2010-04 s.d 2010-11



Southeast Asian economy has been growing fast since last three decades which bring some countries in this region transforming significantly from developing to modernized and industrialized countries.

The other remaining countries are also transforming from less developed to developing and even semi-industrialized countries.

Economic growth in this region is believed and enough to bring the ASEAN member countries better in terms of welfare and prosperity. However, since the 1997 economic crisis, the Southeast Asian Economy is always facing many different challenges, indicating that economic foundation is not strong enough and still questionable in the future. Southeast Asia is also not immune toward external factors. For example, American crisis in 2008 affects this region directly which creates some difficulties for the domestic economy of the countries in this region


1. To increase economic cooperation among southeast Asian nations as well as with other Asian nations;

2. To revitalize trade, investment, also tourism among Southeast Asian economies;

3. To search what kind of institution must be developed in this region to strengthen and to modernize Southeast Asian Countries


1. Investment and roles of FDI in SE Economies

2. Trade and Economic cooperation

3. Tourism and government cooperation in this sector

4. Institutions in the domestic economy and further institution for regional cooperation

5. Food, Energy and Infrastructures


Bali, Indonesia 1-3 December 2010


Bandung, 20-22 Juli 2010

Tema Seminar:
Revitalisasi UMKM untuk Menggerakkan Perekonomian Nasional

Usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) merupakan kelompok usaha yang sangat signifikan di dalam perekonomian Indonesia, dengan jumlah pelaku ekonomi yang sangat besar. Namun begitu, di sisi lain, meningkatnya jumlah pelaku usaha mikro, yang diperkirakan sebagian besar bergerak di sektor informal, mengindikasikan gejala informalisasi perekonomian. Tenaga kerja yang ada tidak berhasil diserap oleh sektor formal sehingga beralih ke sektor tersebut.

Besarnya jumlah pelaku usaha dan tenaga kerja yang diserap UMKM, menunjukkan bahwa UMKM memerlukan perhatian yang khusus mengingat perannya dalam menopang ekonomi nasional. Menyikapi fenomena ini, Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI) mengundang akademisi, praktisi, pengamat dan pemerhati ekonomi khususnya sektor UMKM untuk mempresentasikan dan mendiseminasikan makalah hasil penelitian dan kajiannya dalam Sidang Pleno ISEI XIV di Bandung pada tanggal 20-22 Juli 2010.

Makalah seyogyanya mencerminkan kreativitas, keunikan atau orisinilitas ide dan gagasan serta kontribusi ide dan gagasan yang terkait dengan pengembangan UMKM. Makalah seyogyanya mencerminkan kreativitas, keunikan atau orisinilitas ide dan gagasan serta kontribusi ide dan gagasan yang terkait dengan penyelesaian berbagai persoalan yang dihadapi UMKM dan atau pengembangan UMKM kedepan di tiga sektor utama yaitu (1) Pertanian, Perikanan dan Kehutanan (2) Industri Pengolahan, (3) Jasa dan Perdagangan dengan sub topik meliputi:
1. Daya Saing
2. Liberalisasi Perdagangan
3. Faktor-faktor Manajerial (Pemasaran, Produksi, Permodalan dan SDM)
4. Supply Chain Management /Value Chain

Makalah ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar, maksimal 7500 kata (tidak termasuk tabel dan gambar). Makalah harus disertai abstrak dalam bahasa Inggris, maksimal 300 kata.

Makalah dikirim ke alamat sekretariat ISEI paling lambat tanggal 31 Mei 2010. Makalah yang terpilih akan diumumkan pada akhir bulan Juni 2010 dan penulisnya (1 orang untuk tiap makalah) akan dibiayai untuk mempresentasikan makalahnya pada Seminar Sidang Pleno ISEI XIV. Makalah yang terpilih akan dimuat di buku ber-ISBN, dan penyebarluasannya menjadi hak Pengurus Pusat ISEI.

Sekretariat PP-ISEI
Jl. Daksa IV/9, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12110
Telp : 62-21-720 8130, 722 2919
Fax : 62-21-720 1812, 739 9801
Website :
Email :,

Goes to Thailand

Seminar di Thailand, 7-8 Desember 2007.